What is DSA?

What is DSA?

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a national organization of socialists fighting to weaken the power of corporations and the rich, and strengthen the power of poor and working people.

We believe in expanding democracy where it exists and creating it where it doesn’t. We believe that government and resources should be brought under popular control for the benefit of all people and our communities, not to make profits for a few.

We organize to ensure all people have the freedom to thrive and fully control their social and economic destinies.

We currently have over 50,000 members nationwide, and there are hundreds of chapters like ours in communities across the nation.

To learn more about Democratic Socialism, check out the Q&A page from the national DSA website.

Check out DSA's 2024 Program Workers Deserve More!

What does New Orleans DSA do?

The New Orleans chapter of DSA organizes locally with more than 350 members to build working class power in southeastern Louisiana.

  • We help workers organize and join unions to win dignity on the job
  • We organize for environmental justice and a Green New Deal
  • We fix brake lights for free every month and talk to neighbors about police and state violence
  • We hold educational events, socials and forums about socialism and Louisiana history
  • We make art, pamphlets and literature to help spread a socialist perspective on local and international issues
  • We put out voter guides for elections to share the socialist perspective
  • We campaign to get socialists in New Orleans elected into office
  • We help start new DSA chapters across the Gulf Coast
  • We work with coalition partners to expand our vision of a just city, country and world.

Where do I start?

All of our events are open to new members and you're encouraged to attend new member orientations each month. We encourage members to join our Slack to chat with other members and stay updated. Social events like Coffee with Comrades are casual events where you will have plenty of time to talk to organizers, learn about our work, and build community with us.

What are General Meetings?

We meet as a general membership every month, and everyone is welcome to attend. At these meetings we have short political education presentations, reports from our campaigns and projects, and other official chapter business. This is your chance to start projects or initiatives and vote on major decisions.

What is DSA?
Última actualización 23 de julio de 2021 a las 21:41
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